Say thou (O Muhammad) "This is my way, I do invite unto Allah on an insight clear as the seeing with one's eyes, I and the one who followeth me. Glory be to Allah! and I am not of the polytheists!" (Holy Quran - 12:108)

Teachings of Mehdi (AHS)
Hazrath Syed Mohammed, the promised Mehdi (AHS), emphasized upon the love of Allah and asked the Ummah to practice the following tenets to achieve nearness to Allah and His Gnosis (Irfa'n), which is considered as the basic objective of human existence: These are also known as Faraiz-e-Vilayat. These are listed below.
Tark-e-Duniya (Renunciation of the World)
Tark-e-Duniya means to make oneself free from the pleasures of the world. 'World' means the worldly life with ego and love for worldly belongings. Such a greedy life is forbidden in Islam, because it leads to egotism, selfishness and unlawful activities. Excessive indulgence in worldly living, and craze for accumulating wealth and property will make a man forgetful of Allah and the Hereafter.
Whoever desires the life of this world and its adornments - We fully repay them for their deeds therein, and they therein will not be deprived. It is they who will have nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire. Their efforts in this life will be fruitless and their deeds will be useless. (Holy Quran - 11:15-16)
Talab-e-Deedar-e-Khuda (Desire to see Allah)
Talab-e-Deedar-e-Khuda is declared obligatory by Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) and a true believer is one who has seen Allah with their own eyes or in their heart or in a dream. Those who have not had the chance to have the vision, they must develop a genuine desire for this vision and continue their quest to see Allah.
Whoever is blind in this world will be blind in the Hereafter, and farther away from the road (Holy Quran - 17:72)
Zikr-e-Dwam (Constant Rememberance of Allah)
Zikr-e-Dawam means the regular and continuous remembrance of Allah. The purpose behind the advent of Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) was to preach Divine Love with the object of achieving the vision of Allah in this world. One of the primary conditions for the vision of Allah is the constant zikr of Allah.
Thus always remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down on your sides (Holy Quran - 4:103)
Tawakkal (Dependance on Allah)
Tawakkal means that one should have complete trust in Allah, and believe that He alone is the protector of life, provider of food, and ever watchful of one's actions. Tawakkal (Trust in Allah) is also an obligation as per the teachings of Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) in the light of the Quranic injunctions.
Thus have trust in Allah. Indeed Allah loves those who have put trust in Him (Holy Quran - 3:159)
Sohbat-e-Sadiqeen (Company of Truthful)
Sadiqeen means those who are truthful in their intentions, thought, and actions. Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) declared it obligatory to keep company (Sohbat) with such people, with whom Allah's zikr and ways of reaching Allah become easy.
O believers, fear Allah and be with the truthful (Holy Quran - 9:119)
Hijrath (Migration)
Hijrath is one of the obligations of vilayat. It has two aspects - external and internal. When it becomes impossible to practice religious duties at any place, leaving that place and migrating to another one is mandatory. This physical migration to preserve one's religion is called external migration. Internal migration is the internal battle against the self to curb self-centered and worldly passions. Both forms of migration are necessary for one's spiritual growth. Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS), at the command of Allah (SWT), has made Hijrat mandatory for his followers.
Whether the earth of Allah was not wide enough to leave the native place and go to some other place. Such people will be thrown in to the Hell and it is a very terrible place (Holy Quran - 4:97)
Uzlath-az-Khalq (Seclusion)
Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) in accordance with Divine orders made Uzlat-az-Khalq obligatory, so that the devotee might keep his complete attention constantly towards Allah by severing contact with relatives and others. Contact should also be cut with all those whose objective is the pursuit of wealth and worldly pleasures. The worldly life and its pleasures are temporary.
And remember the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with complete devotion (Holy Quran - 73:8)
Ushr (Teith)
Ushr is one tenth of a person's income, which is required to be given to the Murshid and needy persons in the name of Allah. Even, during Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) time, Ushr was paid, generally from agricultural produce. But Mehdi-Al-Ma'ood (AHS) made it obligatory to pay Ushr, whatever the sources of income, whether from a profession, or produce or received as a donation, and whatever might be the quantity. Ushr is paid apart from Zakaat, which is a separate obligation in Islam.
"O! ye who believe, give off the good things which ye have (honorably) earned, and of that which we bring forth from the earth for you. (Holy Quran - 2:267)
What Others Say about Mehdi (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ)

Abul Qasim Farishta,
In India, Syed Mohammed (Jaunpuri) claimed that according to Sharia he was the Promised Mehdi. Since many symbols and qualities attributed to the promised Mehdi were found in him, people accepted him as such which is clear as broad day light.

Abdul Quadir Badayuni, 16th Century
I have lived among many Mahadavis. I found their pleasing manners and pleasing qualities, piety and annihilation (of the self) at an exalted rank.
Though they had not acquired formal education, yet I have heard from them so much about explanation of Qur'an and its subtle points regarding the hints of the Truth and elegant significance of the mystic knowledge of God (Ma'rifat), that if one wants to compile some of that as an abstract in a book, it will itself be another volume.

Abul Kalam Azad , Tazkira
The really practical period of Islamic teachings was started by the Mahdavia society. In this period, thousands of such people were seen who, for the sake of pronouncing the truth, leave all their beloved, and in the path of Allah gladly tolerated harsh oppressions which they underwent at the hands of the worshippers of falsehood. Syed Mohammed was a resident of Jaunpur, born in the year 847H. Even his bitter enemies acknowledge that in addition to formal education, he was matchless in continence and saintliness, and abstinence and piety. An occurrence fell on him and it appeared that a voice "YOU ARE THE MEHDI" (Ant'al Mehdi) was coming. He was hesitant for many years, and when the same affair kept repeating consistently, he openly declared his claim of Mehdi.

Mohiuddin Ibn Arabi, Futuhat-e-Makkiya
The Prophet (S.A.S) said ;" Mehdi is from me; he will follow my footsteps without err.